Jay Koka ORIGINALS: 2007

Lussori | Streets of San Francisco | Ford GT | Alpina

Lussori ©Jay Koka

Lussori (Porsche Carrera GT)
Title: "Lussori "
by Jay Koka, © 2007
60”w x 30”, acrylic on canvas, Private Collection

Jay Koka: "Each year, the well-know Lussori store in downtown Carmel hosts a number of exotics parked in front of their store during the Pebble Beach Concours weekend. In 2006, I noted a drop-dead gorgeous black Carrera GT. There is nothing pretentious about this painting. It is an homage to a very hot looking car. Sharp-eyed viewers will find the setting familiar in my work. "

In 2004 I completed a painting called "Art Imitating Life Imitating Art", a black Lamborghini Diablo parked in front of the Hanson Gallery… also on Ocean, just two doors to the right.

A very large 60x30" acrylic on canvas, featuring the Porsche Carrera GT parked in front of the Lussori store on Ocean Avenue in Carmel, California.

Streets of San Francisco
Streets of San Francisco ©Jay Koka

Streets of San Francisco
Title: "Streets of San Francisco"
by Jay Koka, © 2007
36”w x 48”, acrylic on canvas, Private Collection

Jay Koka: I was in San Francisco in the early 80's on a business trip. I had rented a "K" car and took it for a spin around SFO. An unforgettable feature of that fun-filled drive was a leap off of Knob Hill. (Yes, it was me that brought back that car you rented, sorry.) I'll never forget how for just one terrifying moment, there was nothing but clear blue sky in all of the windows.

Fast forward over 20 years to the summer of 2006. Cathy and I spent a few days in SFO because I like to walk and drive around scouting locations for potential paintings. I was walking down the ultra-steep Mason Street hill towards Pine when I flashed back to that earlier drive. And that's how instantly the idea for the painting was formed.

I know exactly how this driver feels: there's a moment of intense, adrenaline-filled terror knowing how hard the road's going to be and a moment of exhilaration as you fly through the air on wings the car isn't supposed to have. Of course, all of that will pale in comparison to what it's going to cost to fix this ride."

"The Streets of San Francisco" features a Ferrari F430 F1 Coupe in full flight off of the crest of Mason Street hill at California. The driver is soon to notice that the light at Pine Street is red… but that's probably the least of his problems.

Ford GT
Ford GT ©Jay Koka

Ford GT
Title: "Ford GT"
by Jay Koka, © 2007
54”w x 40”, acrylic on canvas, Private collection

Jay Koka: "This privately commissioned painting features part of the front of the Paris Hotel and Casino on Las Vegas Boulevard in Las Vegas. In fact, it's just a little further down from the portico that's featured in the painting 'High Rollers'. " This is a very large 54x44" acrylic on canvas original that features the new Ford GT.

Alpina ©Jay Koka

Title: "Alpina"
by Jay Koka, © 2007
48”w x 28”, acrylic on canvas,
Private Collection

"A chance encounter with this wonderful Alpina ('03 BMW Z8) parked on a Carmel street this summer resulted in one of my favourite paintings. Everything about this car (and painting) is right... not the least of which is that it's black."